ICBR – Internationale Commissie ter Bescherming van de Rijn

237. Technical report « Tool and assessment method to determine flood risk evolution/reduction”

To determine the effects of measures on flood risk the ICPR has developed a method which was integrated into a geographical information system (GIS). With the help of this new tool it is now possible to establish quantitatively the effectiveness of prevention measures on the Rhine.

A new ICPR tool is able to produce a quantitative proof of the effectiveness of flood prevention measures along the Rhine. Calculations show that the ambitious target defined in the Action Plan on Floods in 1998, to reduce flood risk by 25 % between 1995 and 2020 will be achieved with the measures already taken and those planned until 2020.

The present technical report describes the method and calculation operations applied by the ICPR tool. This tool might also be of interest to other river basin commissions. Upon request, the ICPR will make this tool and the methods it is based on available to other states, resp. their authorities or scientific organisations.

The associated synthesis report (<link file:4054 _blank>ICPR report no. 236, 2016) includes a summary of the method and the results of the calculation executed with the tool.

Please contact <link>sekretariat@iksr.de if you are interested by this topic or you want to obtain the tool.