ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine


After two visits of experts from South America to Europe (2022 and 2023), a previous visit of experts to South America (2023) and several online meetings, the President and Executive Secretary of the ICPR have visited the Uruguay River in July 2024. The visit covered the area of…

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An international delegation from Uruguay River and Lake Titicaca visited the ICPR on 25 and 26 November. The exchange of experiences, preceded by several video conferences, was all about how to reconcile the use of a water body with ecology. The programme also included a field…

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On the occasion of "RhineCleanUp 2022", the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) organised a waste collection campaign. They were supported by the AWO neighbourhood office Südliche Vorstadt. Despite the bad…

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Many remember the record low water levels of the Rhine in 2018. At some Rhine gauges, in autumn 2018, values were measured that only occur approximately every 50 years in terms of intensity and duration. The year 2022 has also started dry and in July 2022 heat waves are making…

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In December 2021, the final version of the second International Flood Risk Management Plan for the international Rhine river basin district has been published. The plan had been available for public consultation for six months. It is a milestone for transboundary cooperation and…

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We congratulate the International Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine basin (CHR) on their 50th anniversary, looking forward to continuing our successful cooperation in the near future

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Rain is actually good for nature, but too much rain can also end in a storm disaster like the one in July 2021.

After the storm disaster on the Ahr, it is time to ask how much of the disaster was homemade. Urban planners and scientists, at any rate, have predicted such…

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The 2021 European River Symposium is a continuation of an effort begun in 2013, with the convening of the first European River Symposium, to strengthen efforts to protect, restore and better manage rivers in Europe.

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Rhine flood

Check out our map to see how the flood will develop over the next few days: https://www.iksr.org/en/topics/floods/interactive-map

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Following the new website www.ourrhine.eu, www.edu.ourrhine.eu was launched in autumn 2020 during a virtual meeting of the network of visitor centres in the Rhine basin.

Never before has home schooling been as important as in 2020, the year in which the COVID 19 pandemic broke…

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