ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine


An internationally staffed secretariat based in Koblenz, Germany supports the President, the Plenary Assembly and the Coordination Committee Rhine as well as working and expert groups. The secretariat prepares the contents of all meetings, is in charge of their organisation as well as of language support in the working languages German, French and Dutch. At the same time, the secretariat is in charge of public relations and serves as contact for experts and persons interested. The secretariat is obliged to be impartial.


Dr. Miriam Haritz

Mail: sekretariat(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-0

Executive Secretary

Marc Daniel Heintz

Mail: MarcDaniel.Heintz(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-19


Alice Meffert-Bier

Mail: alice.meffert-bier(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-50


Andrea Woltersdorf-Demme

Mail: andrea.woltersdorf-demme(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-12

Scientific assistant


Laura Poinsot

E-mail: laura.poinsot(at)iksr.de

Tel.: 0049-(0)261-94252-16


Water quality/Emissions:

Nikola Livrozet

Mail: Nikola.Livrozet(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-30

Dr. Tabea Stötter

Mail: tabea.stoetter(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-17


Floods, Low water, climate change:

Adrian Schmid-Breton

Mail: adrian.schmid-breton(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-22


Project NTS:

Dr. Pavel Ondruch

Mail: pavel.ondruch(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-18


Language department

Dominique Falloux

Mail: dominique.falloux(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-24


Fabienne van Harten

Mail: fabienne.vharten(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-21


Marianne Jacobs

Mail: marianne.jacobs(at)iksr.de

Tel : 0049-(0)261-94252-14


Dieuwke Beljon (absent until 26.11.24)

Mail: dieuwke.beljon(at)iksr.de


Gwénaëlle Janiaud

Mail: gwenaelle.janiaud(at)iksr.de

Tel: 0049-(0)261-94252-25