ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine


The presidency of the Commission alternates every three years. The Plenary Assembly is staged annually together with the Coordination Committee Rhine. Decisions are taken in the Plenary Assembly. Technical questions are dealt with in working and expert groups with permanent or fixed-term mandates and passed on to the Strategy Group preparing the Plenary Assembly. Problems related to water quality and emissions, groundwater, ecology as well as floods and low water are discussed. Expert groups support the working groups. Furthermore, work in the international working groups is prepared by national committees.

Conferences of Rhine Ministers decide on important political issues. Their decisions are binding for the Governments concerned.

The present working structure for implementing the Convention on the Protection of the Rhine and for coordinating the implementation of the European directives in the international Rhine river basin district is represented in the following organigramme.

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By clicking on the graph, you can download the mandate texts for the working groups.