ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Links to the national and regional flood risk management plans

The links below refer to national or regional, more detailed flood risk management plans in the Rhine catchment. These plans are related to the Second International Flood Risk Management Plan of the International River Basin District Rhine (A level).

The Netherlands: https://www.helpdeskwater.nl/onderwerpen/wetgeving-beleid/europese-richtlijn-overstromingsrisico/overstromingsrisicobeheerplannen/


River Basin Community Rhine (Flussgebietsgemeinschaft Rhein - FGG Rhein): http://fgg-rhein.de/servlet/is/87720/ 

Additional links:

France: http://www.grand-est.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/bassin-rhin-meuse-r6723.html

Luxembourg: https://eau.gouvernement.lu/fr/administration/directives/directiveinondation/2ieme-cycle/ProjektDesZweitenHochwasserrisikomanagementplans.html  

Belgium (Wallonia):  https://inondations.wallonie.be         

Liechtenstein: Information available here: info.abs@llv.li ; http://geodaten.llv.li/geoportal/naturgefahren.html,   https://www.llv.li/#/12004/naturgefahren

Austria: https://www.bmlrt.gv.at/wasser/wisa/hochwasserrisiko.html  


Planning, implementation and financing of flood protection measures are regulated by:

Within supra-cantonal major projects development concepts fulfil a function comparable that of the EU Management Plans. Examples:

Cooperation and coordination in sub-basins

The transboundary coordination in the sense of the FD is not only taking place within the ICPR (part A, catchments > 2,500 km²) but is also secured in sub-basins (parts B, C) based on bilateral/multilateral coordination and agreement. The following organisations or commissions based on corresponding agreements confirm the long-lasting and close international cooperation - among others with respect to flood risk management - in the IRBD Rhine: