ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Flood prevention and river restoration in the Rhine catchment

17 September 2018, Koblenz

The target of the workshop was to reveal deficits, their reasons but also winning formulas when implementing integrated measures aimed at flood prevention and ecological rehabilitation of water bodies in the international Rhine catchment.

Such measures correspond to the holistic approach of the ICPR Programme “Rhine 2020”. In addition, the EU-Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Floods Directive (FD) require the coordination and exchange between both Directives with a view to a more effective implementation of measures due to the use of synergies between targets of flood protection and environmental targets.

Deficits, problems and challenges were presented with the help of case examples along the Rhine or its tributaries. The exchange of experience and mutual help when searching for/establishing key factors for successful solutions were the focus of the workshop.

Findings of the workshop are valuable elements for the future work of the ICPR working groups “Ecology” (WG B) and “Floods and Low Water” (WG H) aimed at the coordinated implementation of the WFD and the FD and the follow-up programme to “Rhine 2020”.

Some 30 participants from 6 states in the Rhine catchment took part in the workshop jointly staged by the ICPR Working Groups B and H. Among them representatives of the WG B and WG H belonging to the institutions in charge of flood protection and environment protection and NGOs.

The documents below are not available in English, therefore see German, Dutch, or French website.


Background document


Results of the workshop (ICPR report no. 260)