ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Technical reports

Fish reflect the pollution of sediments and of the entire aqatic ecosystem, particularly the accumulation of contaminants in the food chain. The present report brings together data from the Rhine States, for the period 2000 to 2010, on the contamination of fish in the river Rhine…

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In Europe, and thanks to Persian heritage, natural musk scents gained from musk deer which also gave its name to the substance have been known since the Antiquity.
Since 1888, musk scents are also being produced artificially (synthetically). Apart from further natural scents as…

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The WAP distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.

The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations concerned may detrimentally impact the…

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Since 1990, 6,222 adult salmon returning from the North Sea to their spawning waters in the Rhine tributaries have been counted.

The 992 sea trout registered are comparable to the numbers registered in the past years.

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[Translate to English:] Im Programm „Rhein 2020“ zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung des Rheins steht im Absatz „Vorgehensweise und Maßnahmen“ in Kapitel 2.3 (Verbesserung der Wasserqualität) unter Punkt 3: Aktualisierung der Liste der für den Rhein relevanten Stoffe und der…

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By the middle of the century, in the Rhine catchment up to 20 % higher discharges are to be expected during winters and up to 10 % lower discharges are expected during summers, while regional variations may occur. These are among the findings of a new Study of Scenarios for the…

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Strategy aimed at reducing inputs of micro-pollutants
Within the strategy aimed at reducing inputs of micro-pollutants originating from urban and industrial waste water evaluation reports are being drafted for 10 groups of substances and are aimed at summarizing scientific and…

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Strategy aimed at reducing inputs of micro-pollutants
Within the strategy aimed at reducing inputs of micro-pollutants originating from urban and industrial waste water, evaluation reports are being drafted for 10 groups of substances and are aimed at summarizing scientific and…

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In the Plenary Session, the President of the ICPR annually reports on the most important activities of the Commission in the past year. 


This report is available in German, French and Dutch.

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The WAP distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.

The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations concerned may detrimentally impact the…

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