ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Technical reports

The “Master Plan Migratory Fish Rhine” (ICPR report no. 179, <link http: www.iksr.org>www.iksr.org) indicates how self-sustaining, stable populations of migratory fish can again be settled in the Rhine catchment within reasonable time and at reasonable costs.

This reports summarizes the implementation…

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The WAP distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.

The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations concerned may detrimentally impact the…

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Based on available literature, the ICPR working group Ecology has structured and summarized the effects of climate change on the aquatic and amphibian habitats in the Rhine catchment.

The most important impacts of climate change on the discharge and temperature regime of the Rhine…

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The 14th conference of Rhine Ministers on 18 October 2007 required the ICPR among others to develop a joint and comprehensive strategy for reducing and avoiding micro-pollutant inputs from urban wastewater and other (diffuse) sources into the Rhine and its tributaries by…

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Industrial chemicals are substances used as components, additives or admixtures in industrial production processes. The industrial chemicals concerned by this report are organic compounds of xenobiotic origin, such as solvants, surfactants, flame retardants, adhesives and…

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Balance of the present state of the Rhine and its catchment – joint progress report for 2012/2013 
As decided by the Strategy Group, a „Balance on the progress made due to improvements of the state of the Rhine and its catchment" will be drawn in the beginning of 2013.

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Since the last great flood of the Rhine in 1995 the countries in the Rhine catchment have invested some 10.3 billion € into improved flood protection and have thus increased the protection of people and goods. According to the balance on the implementation of the Action Plan on…

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During the PLEN-CC12, the Dutch delegation referred to the period of extremely low water in 2011, which gave rise to different problems and measures in the Netherlands. It was convened that all delegations would deliver a survey on available national knowledge on all low water…

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The WAP distinguishes between warnings, information and search reports.

The International Main Alert Centres (IHWZ) issue warnings in cases of water pollution incidents implying substances noxious to water, if the amounts or concentrations concerned may detrimentally impact the…

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Complexing agents are industrial chemicals used for many purposes in and by industry and trade, but also by households and are often discharged into our water bodies.  Complexing agents are used by the chemical industry, the paper and photo industry, the beverage dispensing…

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