ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Technical reports

The "<link file:604 _blank download den einer>Report on the Pollutant Contamination in the Rhine Catchment" presents the results of on-going and accomplished investigations in the Rhine bordering countries during 2000 to 2010.

The present proposal for a "First Joint Analysis Programme on the Pollutant Contamination of…

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The choice of substances figuring in the List of Rhine Substances 2014 may shortly be described as follows:

- Substances figuring on the List of Rhine Substances 2007 and 2011 with an annual parameter below half of the value of the EQS of the Directive 2008/105/EC or the value of…

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For the first time the ICPR has presented a report on the estimation of the effects of climate change on future Rhine water temperature development in the near future (2021-2050) and the far future (2071-2100). This estimation is based on the air temperature development as…

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For the first time the ICPR has presented a report on the estimation of the effects of climate change on future Rhine water temperature development in the near future (2021-2050) and the far future (2071-2100). This estimation is based on the air temperature development as…

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Report on the State of Implementation by End 2013

Human interference with the river bed and the alluvial areas (construction of impoundments and dikes) has sustainably changed the sediment budget of the Rhine. During the past decennia, not only quantitative aspects of sediment…

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At times of cultivation of fields for winter cereals, distinctly detectable isoproturone and chlorotolurone pollutions of the Rhine occur, when application periods of the herbicides are followed by days with heavy rainfall. This also applies to the cultivation of fields for…

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Report issued by the President of the ICPR

Preparation of the conference of Ministers 2013
Upon invitation of the Swiss government, the 15th Conference of Rhine Ministers will be staged in Basel on 28 October 2013 in order to draw a balance of activities so far and to determine…

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The ICPR report 209 describes the developments of Rhine water temperature during the past 30 years. Eventual effects of changes in water temperature on the aquatic fauna are described in the <link file:4321 _blank>ICPR report 204.

Investigations into the longstanding development of the temperatures of…

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As shown by the last inventories of the Rhine system, the biocoenosis of the Rhine system is increasingly characterized by invasive species. During the past years, among the fish species, above all gobies (Gobiidae, Odontobutidae) appear in high numbers and density of…

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For protection purposes and future management of the endangered eel populations in Europe, the European Union issued a regulation (EC No. 1100/2007) in June 2007 focussing on a restoration of the stocks of eel and on reducing eel mortality of anthropogenic origin.
According to…

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