ICPR – International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine

Micro-pollutants of diffuse origin (2010)

Micro-pollutants in waters include chemicals such as pesticides, biocides and drugs (antibiotics, hormones such as oestrogens), diagnostics (radio-opaque substances) and a number of environmental chemicals, among them consumer goods such as scents, personal care products and detergents. Even in low concentrations these substances are liable to have a negative impact on the aquatic environment. 

This 2nd ICPR workshop on micro-pollutants of diffuse origin will present and discuss the following main themes:

Survey over the different sources and pathways of input (traffic lanes, navigation, waste disposal sites, etc.)

  • Micro-pollutants of agricultural origin
  • Micro-pollutants from traffic lanes and infrastructure
  • Survey of the inventory in the Rhine bordering countries Austria, Switzerland, France, Germany, Luxemburg and Netherlands.
  • The objective of the workshop is above all to establish a basis for the ICPR strategy to reduce micro-pollutants of diffuse origin.